The Ford Truck Box Experience

I have been wanting to post this for some time, but after an exhaustive search I cannot find the video I desired. So here goes without my visual aide!

A number of years ago Ford aired an advertisement where they vertically suspended a new F-150 in the air, attached only by the box. The narrator went on to describe the robust design of the truck box and how Ford led the market in strength and durability. It was pretty impressive.

But then I got to thinking…

Have you ever heard of a truck box becoming dislodged from the frame? I won’t debate that it may have happened, but is this really a problem that truck owners are concerned about?

Perhaps a more likely scenario is this: Ford identified an area of differentiation among their competition and created a marketing campaign to support it. By suspending a truck and showing the world their truck boxes were the most secure in the industry, Ford created a competitive edge. They built value in the minds of their consumers.

THAT‘s how you attract new business!

Discover an area where you or your business excels and promote that. Build a competitive edge that your market may not recognize. I’m not saying make up a differentiator; but take the time to analyze your company and your market. Place calls to your most loyal customers and ask them why you/your company is different. Then create a new way your market can measure you against your competition.

Prove that your truck boxes are the toughest in the industry!

P.S. If anyone remembers this ad and can find in online, please send me the link. I’d love to be able to add it to this post. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “The Ford Truck Box Experience

  1. Well Chris I think you’ve nailed the Ford Truck Box thing. It’s a marketing idea but I must tell you I don’t think it creates an unfair advantage when it comes to selling and you say so in your opening dialog. No one cares if the box will come off. I’ve owned several trucks over the years and box removal has never been on my list of concerns. Problem is that the sales guy uses this as an unfair advantage and the potential truck buyer doesn’t care. Good insight as to motivation but I don’t quite agree on the premise of how it helps sales other than, well I’m not even sure it would bring people into the showroom.

    • Tony, I truly appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my post! I agree that salespeople should not pursue new business by attempting to leverage an attribute no one care about. It’s important to understand your customer or market and discover an advantage and make it tangible, and something valuable. If my advantage has no value to my customer, I could find myself further away from a deal than before.

      On an unrelated note: Your e-book on “Why is Qualifying So Hard” is a wonderful resource and I’ve recommended it to my sales team.

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